Monday, March 14, 2011

Lighthouse of Namibia

 On 18 June 2010, Namibia Post released three stamps featuring lighthouses.  Pictured are the Diaz Point Lighthouse, Pelican Point Lighthouse (Walvis Bay) and Swakopmund Lighthouses.

Diaz Point Lighthouse:

Built in the year 1915, the tower of Diaz Point Lighthouse is mounted on a Hexagonal Stone base with Red & White Horizontal bands.  This lighthouse was named after the Portuguese explorer Bartolomeu Diaz and the lighthouse shelters the Bay of Luderitz.

Pelican Point Lighthouse (Walvis Bay):

Built in the year 1932, the Walvis Bay Pelican Lighthouse Tower is circular with Black & White Horizontal bands.  The Lantern of the Lighthouse tower is painted Red.  This lighthouse was built by the South African Government during their Administration of Walvis Bay Territory.

Swakopmund Lighthouse:

Built in the year 1903, the Swakopmund Lighthouse Tower is circular with Red & White Horizontal bands.  The lower section of the Lighthouse tower is unpainted brick and this section of the lighthouse was built in 1902.  The upper section of the lighthouse is added in 1910.  The Lighthouse is located on the North-Western Namibian coast.

By K.Sridhar - Life Member.

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