This special cover was released in the grand function of Dhvajarohan and Inauguration Ceremony of Panchkalyanak on 16th January 2010 morning by famous Industrialist of Rajsthan Shri Ashok Patni in the auspisious presence of Pujya Acharya Vidhyasagar Ji Maharaj. Shri A. K. Jain, Asstt. superintendent of Postoffices, Rewa Division and office bearers of Central India Philatelic Society were also present on this occasion. Central India Philatelic Society was instrumental in issuance of this Special Cover and Special Cancellation.
Cost of this Special Cover is Rs. 15/- plus postage. Interested Philatelists can send their orders to Mr. Sudhir Jain, Secretary, Central India Philatelic Society, Sushma Press Compound, SATNA (M.P.) 485 005 (E-mail : centralindphil@yahoo.com / mrsudhirjain@yahoo.com).